Creating Auto-Compute Valuation Records

The Valuation field can be entered manually or the calculation can be automatic depending on a preconfigured valuation calculation. These valuation calculations are defined in the Master Data > Others > Valuation screen. Shippers need to declare a value for carriage on the AWB. This declaration may be a specific amount or NVD (no value declared). For the purpose of applying valuation charges, the value per kilogram or per pound must be determined by dividing the Shipper's declared value for carriage by the gross weight of the consignment.
  1. Navigate to the Valuation screen. You can do this by clicking Master Data > Others > Valuation.
  2. In the Valuation screen, existing Declared Value Calculation records are listed in the Record List pane.
    • To modify an existing record, select the record from the Record List pane then click Edit F2.
    • To create a new record, click Add (Ins).
    • To delete a record, select the record from the Record List pane then click Delete (DEL).
  3. Enter or update the declared value calculation settings.
    Field Description
    Origin Country (optional) Use this optional field to limit the declared value calculation to an origin country.
    Destination Country (optional) Use this optional field to limit the declared value calculation to a destination country.
    Shipper (optional) Use this optional field to limit the declared value calculation to a particular Shipper.
    SHC (optional) Use this optional field to limit the declared value calculation to a specific SHC.
    Currency The currency of the valuation record.
    Effective Date Enter the date when the valuation calculation will be activated.
    Termination Date Enter the date when the valuation calculation will be terminated.
    Basic Amount Consignments valued at more than SDR (Special Drawing Rights) 17 per kg will be assessed valuation charges of 0.50% of the Shipper's declared value for carriage exceeding SDR 17 per kg. The local currency equivalent value of SDR 17 has to be entered in this field.
    Ratio Enter the ratio (percentage) to be used to determine the valuation charge.
    Minimum Amount Enter a value in this field to ensure that a certain minimum amount applies for the Valuation charge in the AWB.
    Valuation Charge and Per Declared Value for Carriage The Valuation Charge is the additional insurance charge imposed on the Shipper's cargo, that has a declared value that exceeds the amount covered under the carrier's limits of liability. The Valuation Charge can be set as an amount per quantum of Declared Value for Carriage without taking into consideration the basic valuation as per IATA regulations. Use the Valuation Charge field to set the applicable Valuation Charge amount to be applied, according to the Declared Value for Carriage.
  4. Click OK.
If the created auto-compute valuation record is applicable on an AWB, the computation is made and the Valuation field in the Full AWB screen is populated with the result. The Valuation field is only populated if the result of the calculation returns a positive amount. Otherwise, the basic coverage (SDR 17 per kg) is sufficient and no valuation charge applies.